The Buyer
Download The Buyer’s exclusive Stellenbosch Business Report

Download The Buyer’s exclusive Stellenbosch Business Report

If there is one wine region that captures the majesty, the beauty, the innovation and the fast pace of change that is taking place in the quality of winemaking in South Africa then it is Stellenbosch. The country’s oldest and most famous wine region has, by the admission of one of its most senior producers, been given a “big kick up the arse” by what has been happening elsewhere in the Cape in recent years and had to more than respond in kind. To mark just what has been going on in Stellenbosch in recent years The Buyer has teamed up with Stellenbosch Wine Routes to produce this comprehensive Stellenbosch Business Report that is available in a downloadable PDF. A report based on personal interviews, tastings, seminars and masterclasses conducted by The Buyer’s Richard Siddle during a recent visit to the region.

Richard Siddle
8th August 2022by Richard Siddle
posted in Insight,

At close to 40 pages long The Buyer’s Stellenbosch Business Report, in partnership with Stellenbosch Wine Routes examines, explores, and captures every nook and cranny of what is taking place across the Stellenbosch wine region of South Africa.

Click Here to Download the Full PDF Report

The Buyer has teamed up with Stellenbosch Wine Routes to produce a comprehensive report and analysis of all the latest wine trends, insights, views and opinion across this vital South African wine region. It is based on a series of seminars, debates, tastings and interviews conducted by Richard Siddle during a recent visit to Stellenbosch.

The report is designed to give the international wine trade an unprecedented insight into what is really happening across all facets of this still fast changing and innovating wine region.

The Buyer

It looks to capture all that Stellenbosch has to offer and become famous for. A region that isinspiring, ambitious, transformative, epic, challenging, welcoming, friendly, passionate, innovative, memorable and hospitable all at the same time.

Arguably South Africa’s most historical, famous and important wine region. But crucially whilst its winemakers and producers are fiercely proud of their past and their traditions they are also now seen as the foundations on which the modern Stellenbosch can now start making its own history and start telling its own stories.

It no longer wants to be tagged with making great value wines. It knows it is making wines that are the match, if not better than more prestigious wine regions in the world and is on a mission to get the respect and prices those wines truly deserve.

Stellenbosch also wants to be seen as the number one wine tourism destination in the world. It’s an ambition that its farms are pushing themselves, and each other, forward to deliver. Raising the bar wherever possible, from its wines, to the cuisine, the in-dining experience to the customer service you receive when you visit.

Jasper Raats, managing director at Longridge Wine Estate sums it up perfectly: “Stellenbosch is the Napa of South Africa, with a collective effort to make great quality wine:”

This comprehensive report hopes to reflect just what is happening above and below the surface in Stellenbosch. It will look to capture the passion, the energy and personality of a region on the march. If it needed a “kick up the arse” it has well and truly responded to the challenge. Both in terms of speaking up for itself , but also the new momentum amongst its producers and winemakers to galvanise their efforts to talk, listen, share and help each other make better wines.

Spend some time there and Stellenbosch gets under your fingernails and you can’t help but bring parts of it home with you.

Here are the key highlights and topics covered in the report:

The Buyer

The sea, wind and climate all have an impact on Stellenbosch’s unique terroir

3-7 How Stellenbosch is making a new history for itself including Stellenbosch Wine Routes – United with one voice; Facts and figures; Key grape varieties.

8 Understanding the unique qualities of Stellenbosch terroir

10 Stellenbosch: The power of wine and tourism working together

13 Experiments, trials and pushing boundaries

16 Stellenbosch Cabernet Collective: One for all and all for one

19 Back to the Future: How old vines are the backbone of modern Stellenbosch

23 Celebrating the best of Pinotage and where it can go next

25 Taking Chenin Blanc to new levels

28 The Bottleary Hills: Everybody needs good neighbours

32 Investing in Helderberg’s exciting future

35 Why Simonsberg is like no other wine region

37 Spier: Empowering people and ethical farming

Click Here To Download The Report

The Buyer

The Buyer