Friend: Data Analysis – The Oracle of the Drinks World
Forget crystal balls and tarot cards, AI is the new soothsayer. It can crunch numbers faster than you can say "Negroni Sbagliato" and spit out insights that would make even the most seasoned drinks exec’s head spin.
We're talking about understanding consumer behaviour, predicting trends, and personalising marketing campaigns with laser-like precision. Imagine knowing exactly what your customers want before they even know it themselves. That's the power of AI, but only for those that invest time (and a bit of money) into learning exactly how to prompt, guide and direct AI tools in the best way.
Foe: Sameness – The Blandification of Booze

An AI-generated bar tender ready to serve your every needs. (This is actually an AI version of what The Buyer's Richard Siddle would look like as a bar tender...)
Here's the stitch: as AI usage grows beyond the early adopters and into the mass market, it could easily lead to every drinks brand, retailer or bar group doing the same bloody thing.
Same inspiration, same tactics, same everything. The result? A sea of sameness, where nothing cuts through the noise. It's like everyone wearing the same outfit to a party – you might blend in, but you're not exactly going to make a statement. We need to be careful not to let AI turn the drinks industry into a homogenous wasteland.
Friend: Inspiration for Human-Led Creativity – The Spark in the Machine
AI can be a fantastic tool for inspiring ideas. It can provide data, insights, and even suggest creative directions.But here's the thing: it can't replicate human creativity. It can only go on what's been published on the internet and doesn’t ‘get’ the unsaid needs, wants, desires, motivation and feelings of their audience like a human can.
Humans understand the nuances of emotion, the power of storytelling, the gut feeling that tells you "this is going to be huge."We (I write as if only humans are reading this very article) are the artists, the storytellers, the ones who can connect with audiences on a deeper level.AI is just a paintbrush, we're the ones creating the masterpiece.
Foe: Job Replacement – The Greedy Greed Machine
Let's be honest, this is the big one.Will AI take our jobs? The truth is, it's up to us humans to decide. It entirely depends on how greedy those in power are. The likelihood is the vast majority of business owners and board of directors will use AI to get more done with less people, than to get more done with less of their people's time.
This AI revolution should be the catalyst to help people work three or four days per week, than the current standard of five, but for the same pay. But will those in power be considerate and compassionate enough to do that? Or will they simply use AI to line their own pockets while the rest struggle?
Friend: AI Shopping/Ordering Assistants – The Digital Mixologist

An AI created digital mixologist
Imagine an AI-powered personal shopping assistant on the Master of Malt website, guiding you through the vast world of single malts and recommending the perfect dram for your palate.Or picture this: you're in a bar, and an AI chatbot suggests a cocktail based on your previous orders and current mood.
What if an AI analysed everything you've ordered for Tesco home delivery and suggested recipes with an upsell of a missing ingredient or two? The possibilities are endless. AI has the potential to revolutionise the way we buy and enjoy drinks.
Foe: Resonance – The Echo Chamber of Algorithms
Mass adoption of AI will breed a mass distrust of whether we are ever speaking to a human again. Much like receiving cold sales calls and you're not sure if it's a robot speaking or a human, when will recommendations lose all resonance and power to actually influence?
When everything is filtered through algorithms and AI-powered recommendations, will we lose that human connection that makes the drinks industry so special?Will we start to feel like we're living in an echo chamber, where everything is tailored to our own biases and preferences?Will anything ever be a welcome surprise again?
So, there you have it – my take on AI and the drinks industry.It's a powerful tool, but like any tool, it can be used for good or ill. It’s up to us to ensure we’re wielding it wisely. On that note, YesMore Drinks Marketing Agency has been developing and testing a range of AI tools for drinks brands, retailers, and hospitality venues, which will be available in the coming weeks.
Watch this space.
* You can find out more about the work that YesMore does at its website here.